Her career would be finished with this post, her seniority and rank swept under the carpet of official censure.
Both men openly discussed the incident and received no official censure or sanction, although some criticised their actions.
"And it will be you, Inspector, who will get a great deal of the official censure."
He holds the record for official censures (77 by one count, 78 or 79 by others) handed down by the presiding officer.
"Now, will you keep your peace, or must I invoke an official censure?"
He escaped official censure, and was publicly honoured for his later work on the expedition despite the Canadian government's reservations about its overall management.
By 1693, Sor Juana seemingly ceased writing rather than risk official censure.
Sean was privately determined to upset such odds, but he also would not risk official censure or jeopardize the young dragons.
She wrote in her dissent that an official censure would be a more appropriate penalty.
If we do nothing to antagonize him, it won't be necessary to concern ourselves with the possibility of official censure.