This letter may even be an official claim to the city of gold by some explorer from another country.
They travel back to Oulu to lay official claim on the find site but are told it has already been claimed.
To collect on a life insurance policy, a surviving family member must fill out an official claim.
Demonstrators rejected official claims that the fighting in the African country was an ethnic conflict.
Their study concluded that there was no evidence to support the official claims.
Virginia's official claims to the island, however, continued until 1776.
The child, meanwhile, had no official claim to any benefits from the parent not recognized under the law.
The official claim had been that he fired at police.
According to official claims, all management decisions are arrived at by consensus among the members of the party committee.
One possible answer is that, despite official claims of higher numbers, only 10 or so soldiers actually did die in the June 4 fighting.