A senior American official here concurred.
United Nations and other foreign officials in Kabul concur that they have not received fresh reports of severe physical abuse at Bagram.
Chuck Davis, a spokesman for the Attorney General's office, said officials there concurred with the decision.
(An official concurs, saying the company has been promised a future payback of $4.5 million.)
Administration aides and other officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, concurred that that was the plan.
Several well-regarded officials concurred in this request, and Emperor Cheng was impressed with Wang Mang's reputation.
An official at American Airlines concurred that consumers are still jittery, resisting paying far in advance for a nonrefundable ticket when their jobs may be insecure.
In a telephone interview today, a senior South Korean official concurred with that estimate.
Many foster-care officials concur, at least in theory.
But it is shaky enough, and the generalities and palliatives proffered in Venice, officials privately concurred, will probably change little.