Dominant cultures make themselves the official culture; Schools, the Mass media, and public interaction reflect this.
It was dismaying that the list smacked so much of official culture.
The have built suburbs and left them stranded, separate from the 'official' culture.
These may be seen as part of the broader concept of official culture, although often a mass audience is not the intended market.
His books were well received by critics who afforded him a title in circles which supported the official culture.
This dichotomy is particularly focused on the divide between official culture and popular culture.
As official culture collapsed, artists learned to survive in the cracks.
Some such movements inevitably achieved respectability and became part of Mexico's official culture themselves.
I am speaking here of a European official culture, especially on the eve of enlargement.
"I'm not one of those that believe there's a great big gulf between the official cultures," he said.