No matter what your feelings, I must formally request that you exercise a greater degree of control during our official dealings with Meridian.
During the reporting period, the government revised standard operating procedures for official dealings with human trafficking cases to improve victim identification and conducted training on these procedures.
Mr. Mugabe has refused to have any official dealings with South Africa.
The people behind the meeting did not want to have any official dealings with him.
Extreme nationalists have offered abill outlawing the use of Hungarian in official dealings.
Mr. Gunn represents the Secretary in direct official dealings with national, state, and local external organizations.
But like Howard Baker and many others, I confess that the lack of civility in our political debate and official dealings with one another concerns me.
The West can widen its official dealings with republican and local governments to promote long-term democratic and market reforms.
In official dealings, only the German name of the town was used before 1867.
We continue to have no official dealings with Renamo as an organization.