But when American officials delivered two Bell helicopters here Friday, it only served to illustrate the difficulty of the fight.
Nevertherless quality of administration is quite high despite corruption scandals, officials deliver on promises by Communist bosses, most of them CCP party members anyway.
The State of the Parks is meant to be slightly zany, a tongue-half-in-cheek version of the more serious addresses that more serious officials all deliver.
When officials can't deliver, they tend to assume a sympathetic but bored and patronizing tone.
But privately, American officials have delivered stern messages to Mrs. Arroyo that her government is not doing enough, Western officials said this week.
In many countries, money is needed to improve health systems and to enable officials to deliver and monitor treatment properly, the report says.
Resettlement is always a bitter issue in dam projects, and villagers often complain that officials do not fully deliver promised compensation and other benefits.
Yu giri and certain lesser officials delivered them to the imperial presence.
While other officials deliver criticism in whispers and avoid confrontation, Ms. Bjerregaard speaks her mind.
Four elected officials per district delivers a threshold of 20% (1/M+1) to gain a single seat.