In any case, the official denunciations and prosecutions send an effective warning to most Chinese to keep their distance from Falun Gong.
Even during the crackdown, no tourists are known to have been injured, and despite official denunciations of the United States, most Chinese are extremely friendly to Americans.
His disapproval of Shostakovich's opera set the stage for its composer's official denunciation, which lasted until Shostakovich wrote his Fifth Symphony.
Since when do legislators issue official denunciations of anyone's theology?
Signs that the Government may feel vulnerable abounded in the flood of official denunciations today.
Her early fame as a poet and a legendary beauty of bohemian prerevolutionary St. Petersburg gave way to decades of forced silence and official denunciations.
The official denunciation that had wracked his last years was not lifted until 1958.
Abroad, the strikes generated official denunciations and street protests in the Sudan and Afghanistan.
In an open letter to the Government, Dr. Soroush said he felt he was in mortal danger, especially since official denunciations made him seem an acceptable target.
Where is the official Egyptian denunciation of such conspiracy theories?