It ceased official development in 2008, but a number of unofficial forks have been derived from the latest source.
The game is no longer under official development.
(official development of the backend engine stopped in 2004)
About 80-85% of developmental aid comes from government sources as official development assistance (ODA).
Spontaneous community gardens and urban farms operating outside the official urban development.
Although the official development has stopped, there were numerous different versions by third-party developers, none of them based on the source code since it was never released.
In 2009 official development for the mod decreased without any official notice.
They also promoted the creation of institutions in charge of the cultural and official development of Catalan.
Firstly, as has already been mentioned, the amount earmarked for health issues within the framework of official development aid, which currently stands at around 5%.
Of the many proposals submitted by manufacturers, three were selected for official development as prototypes, the Supermarine 224 among them.