In the light of today's debate, I will instruct officials to engage with the council, the group and elected representatives for the area.
After the murder, officials within the department engaged in a willful cover-up of the facts in the case.
Since her resignation, officials have engaged in a highly public debate over the scope and power of the inspector general position.
One or two English senior officials engaged a housekeeper.
And they also found it "remarkable" that officials never personally engaged Ms. Reno in the investigation.
Federal prosecutors have alleged that top officials at the racing association engaged in conspiracy, tax evasion and fraud.
It looks the other way when its own officials engage in corruption.
So far, prosecutors do not believe that any former American officials engaged in wrongdoing, the officials said.
The violence persisted after politicians and officials engaged in a dispute over who was responsible for the violence.
The latest scandal follows one last year in which some 328 officials engaged in similar fraud were disciplined.