Only "Japanese aliens and non-aliens," as the official euphemism put it.
Last week, in the wake of that remark, he was out - "by mutual agreement," the official euphemism went.
He was arrested in 1937 and sentenced to "10 years without the right of correspondence," the official euphemism for a death sentence.
That was the official euphemism for the secret police, Cordelia recalled, of which Political Officers were the military branch.
However, there is some uncertainly to this date, and the term 'sudden illness' was often an official euphemism for seppuku.
Now they face a fresh peril: compassion fatigue, an official euphemism that amounts to blaming victims for the cruelty of their jailers.
Many people did not understand the official euphemism and incorrectly believed that their relative was still alive in prison.
Ken Rosenbaum, a Kentucky science teacher, rankles at "change over time" as the state's official new euphemism for evolution.
"Supporting Means" was the official East German euphemism for doping.
All the major industrial economies are growing "below their potential," to use the official euphemism.