It was the first New Zealand rugby league tour to receive an official farewell from a Prime Minister in Parliament.
He sat sullenly astride the bay next to Aremys, a thick and uncomfortable silence between them as the two Kings made their official farewells.
At his official farewell with the Texas company in 1998, the audience reacted as if it were losing a member of the family.
Most colleagues ignored him; no one offered an official farewell on his last day.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu is given an official farewell at his retirement service.
Luton said the official farewells: "I doubt if any other five men could have occupied so small a space for so long without even a suggestion of friction.
In the official farewell commemorative book Friends 'Til the End, each separately acknowledged in interviews that the cast had become their family.
Norstad spent five hours in Ottawa on January 3, the final call in his round of official farewells to NATO capitals.
If this were his official farewell, we would all, critics included, be joining in misty-eyed salutes.
On 21-23 September 2007, Divac organized an official farewell from active basketball career in his hometown Prijepolje and Belgrade, simultaneously promoting the "You Can Too" campaign.