But they said that the officials cannot hire or dismiss employees in non-policy-making jobs based solely on their political views.
She travelled north where officials hired her to search for herself.
Local officials supervise the biggest mines and often hire private businessmen to manage them.
The inspections moved slower than expected because of the extent of the damage and the questions about the inspectors, and so officials hired more inspectors.
In Nassau, officials are hiring 100 new police officers.
Some Unhappy With Care Healthnet officials hired more doctors in the affected areas.
The local officials hired a public relations firm.
This doesn't mean that public officials can hire lawyers and just go to the beach.
The country learned that officials of his Administration hired private entrepreneurs to run an important aspect of foreign policy - outside our political system, outside the law.
American officials have hired a private polling firm to canvass residents in the Jolo area to gauge their sentiments about a joint military mission.