Inspector Moran arrived ten minutes ago and gave him the official imprimatur.
Then came the official imprimatur of the ADL ad.
The medical association's action was greeted coolly in Washington, which remains fearful of putting its official imprimatur on something that many perceive as tantamount to promoting drug use.
It had no powers of subpeona, nor official imprimatur from any government.
The museum's large-scale exhibition will give the fish decoy an official imprimatur.
These mostly honorific charters tend "to provide an 'official' imprimatur to their activities, and to that extent it may provide them prestige and indirect financial benefit".
But there was never any approved list that carries some official or unofficial imprimatur of the party.
More on 'Natural' Consumers have been puzzling over the meaning of natural ever since the Agriculture Department gave its official imprimatur to the term in 1982.
Many artists thought this show would give their work the official imprimatur it needed to reach the population of China.
A new dinghy class with an official imprimatur can expect a long and lucrative life.