There was some official indifference from the political establishment to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust during and after the war.
Now, after decades of official indifference, Poland is formally commemorating what happened.
They entrust the future of the republic, if not to atheism, then at least to official indifference with respect to religion.
It was conceived by the Vietnam veterans, who struggled for years against official and public indifference.
Her team found that poor care for wounded soldiers was being delivered by overworked medical staff in the face of official indifference.
But they represent a major departure from years of official indifference.
Scrupulously, the authors also show that even more lives might have been saved but for expert uncertainty and official indifference.
After 13 years of official indifference, and against heavy odds, Congress has acted to clean the nation's air.
There is also widespread resentment about official indifference during parents' desperate searches for their children.
After a long spell of what seemed like official indifference, the city and state are forming a task force to chart a fresh revitalization effort.