The officials inspected every piece of luggage belonging to the nationals and computed duty.
The next day, officials inspected and closed more than 58 nightlife spots around the country as part of a crackdown on unsafe public spaces.
According to a briefing note for a Legislative Council meeting, officials had inspected the site more than twelve times since 1984.
Then the Doge's official in charge of duties inspects the goods, stamps each thing when it comes back out again; that's the second time.
He also said officials had recently inspected bathrooms at virtually all city schools and found them well stocked.
But the friend, she said, never received it and warned her that officials were inspecting his mail.
In Austria, special commissions made up of other hoteliers, labor representatives and elected officials inspect the hotels.
The hole, which the official had inspected several times in recent days, could only have been dug by professionals, he said.
The bridges connecting the county's barrier islands remained closed to traffic, as officials inspected them for possible storm damage.
Looking at the officials inspecting passports, I was reminded of the Communist era.