After the first adjustment was announced, investors complained that Mr. Serra and other senior officials had misled them when they did not ignore them.
Projecting future high salaries for graduates was not the only way Brooks's officials misled students, according to the report.
The Greenberg suit also charged that the officials purposely misled stockholders in a press release announcing a secondary stock offering in September 1985.
For 10 years, British officials consistently misled the public by deliberately playing down the possibility that mad-cow disease could be transmitted to humans, an official report said today.
The report found that for 10 years, British officials consistently misled the public by deliberately playing down the possibility that mad cow disease could be transmitted to humans.
One official said today that in playing down the risk posed by the anthrax letters the administration had not deliberately misled the public.
General Accounting Office investigations have confirmed past charges that military officials misled Congress about aspects of the missile defense program.
If the officials in the Defence Department are actually misleading the committee and misleading Parliament then I guess they ought to be gone.
Republican leaders keep saying it is a waste of time to find out whether President Bush and other top officials deliberately misled the world.
Does it matter that several officials misled the Board of Estimate about the selection of a consultant to plan for it?