The plan required the violation of Belgium's and Luxembourg's official neutrality.
This decision locked the largest Presbyterian denomination into official theological neutrality on the slave issue until 1866.
It was a crucial role for Ireland, which maintained an official neutrality.
He set up a paternalistic, semi-fascist regime that actively collaborated with Germany, its official neutrality notwithstanding.
Traditionally what protected these groups in such perilous places was their official neutrality, which staff members worked hard to maintain.
Even so, the Manhattan Democrat has shifted from supporting the name change to official neutrality because of emerging opposition.
He also supported workers' rights to organize into unions, but pledged an official neutrality in a farm labor dispute in 1971.
Later in the war they more visibly supported Iraq, but still maintained official neutrality.
Administrators who are already required to observe official neutrality on religious matters must now confront another layer of subtlety.
While still maintaining an official neutrality, France was fully committed to providing substantial secret aid to the Americans.