I am proud, too, of the paper for publishing it in the face of strong official objections.
The mural was painted over with silver paint before the fair opened, probably due to official objections, but other reasons have been suggested.
Protestors welcomed the official objection although some were concerned that different government departments had clashed over the matter.
Tell them . . ." Some official objection was coming back.
From its initial release, the 1931 film had been heavily censored because of official American objections to the portrayal of prostitution.
Where retailers and developers cannot overcome official objections, they are increasingly turning to acquisitions.
Part of the official objection to the medical cooperatives has been that they charge too much and are a luxury of the well-to-do.
I made out an official objection.
Mr. Zhang, the editor, said he knew of no official objections to the article up to now.
The State Banking Department, for one, has no official objections.