THE official observance of Martin Luther King Day is tomorrow, five days past the birth date of the civil rights leader.
The official observance is from 16 December with the beginning of the Simbang Gabi to Epiphany.
These were among the first of the official observances to remember the many fallen firefighters, police officers and emergency workers who died responding to the attack.
On 2 June 2008 a new design was adopted, the timing coinciding with the official observance of the Queen's birthday.
We the People 200 is the private, non-profit organization that is conducting Philadelphia's official bicentennial observance.
Another round of official observances is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.
Rising protests at the Waitangi Day celebrations led the government to move the official observance to Government House in Wellington.
The center also directs planning for the official annual observance of the King Holiday.
Perhaps because this date is so troubling to the national conscience, few official observances are planned.
Caligula extended official observances to five.