Mayors and other officials over the years have from time to time operated official trains - not planes - and automobiles, with decidedly mixed results.
During professional and college football games, seven officials operate on the field.
Even foreign diplomats and international officials who are based in Baghdad operate under restrictions that have made it impossible to confirm specific details of any recent clash.
The officials did not operate out of arrogance or dishonesty; they merely blew the call.
These officials, aware of the political risks, operated with enormous care.
Local officials operate with impunity in the one-party state and have little to fear from a legal system that answers to the party.
One function was that officials of the royal court operated from Carhampton to collect taxes from surrounding estates.
When it comes to water use, officials in Suffolk are mostly operating in the dark.
The President's senior officials operate with little direction, and the country is still chaotically governed.
After all, Members and officials of the European Commission and other institutions do not operate in their own isolated world.