It was estimated in 1999, that about 10,000 private security firms operated in Mexico, yet only 2,000 had some form of official permit.
Before peasant farmers or small time traders can bring their products to market they usually need to buy an official permit.
Second, he obtained an official permit to start his own publishing house.
He returned to Nepal in 1917, and was grounded for having left the country without an official permit.
The Cloughers then asked for an official permit to hang their yellow burlap ribbons.
Among other things the award gives Pattillo an official permit, of sorts, to play music in the subway.
He came back as an illegal alien, waiting for an official permit, to testify at the proceedings.
The city had agreed in principle to a march, but had not issued an official permit.
The state found that Nekboh had been operating without an official permit for six years.
He had repeated been denied requests for an official permit to return to China by the Chinese authorities.