He was later safely persuaded back down the tower by the City Police and Southern Railway officials.
Within the hour officials from a human rights organization persuaded the students to release their hostages.
Hospital officials notified the police, who arrested Ms. Jedonne Saturday afternoon after officials persuaded her to return to the hospital and get the child.
Insulted, Findlay abruptly went home, but returned after officials followed him on a sleigh and persuaded him to return.
Kurdish officials, realizing this, persuaded the colonel to lead them to Mr. Ramadan's front door and knock.
Iraqi officials have persuaded the Americans to release detainees, saying the long detentions are contributing to unrest and violence.
The president and officials in his administration should persuade their own military-age children and grandchildren to go into the armed forces.
Soviet officials, however, have persuaded Sabonis to aid the Olympic cause.
Local officials met with Jean-Marie Leblanc, the director of the race, , and persuaded him to alter the route.