During that time, no elected official has proclaimed its benefits more often, or more loudly, than Brooklyn's borough president, Marty Markowitz.
Yemeni officials have proclaimed the 4-square-mile island to be "100 percent Yemeni," and said their forces regained control of it in a naval landing on Wednesday.
Soviet officials proclaim their ultimate aim to be human travel to the planet, perhaps in the early 21st century.
However, Egyptian cultural officials took offense and proclaimed it to be a disgrace to "one of the great symbols of their country's history".
Last year, an official of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proclaimed tuberculosis "out of control" in this country.
A Japanese official even proclaimed success because there was "no Japan-bashing."
Somewhat warily, because the final numbers for costs and ticket sales will not be available for about two weeks, officials at Lincoln Center are proclaiming victory.
It has washed so inexorably over the small towns nearby that officials are proclaiming a 500-year flood.
Earlier yesterday, 500 fans jammed Edmonton's city hall as officials proclaimed it Paul Coffey Day.
Herring Bay was the target for what Alaskan officials had proclaimed as "the first major offensive operation" against the Exxon Valdez oil spill.