Even in its present form, however, the plan offers a conceptual beauty unmatched by the six official proposals.
Lu was careful to state that this was just her personal opinion and not an official proposal.
The draft is expected to be revised and published as an official regulatory proposal later this year.
So he moves fast and sends his brother with an official proposal to Anjana's family.
The first official proposal for the establishment of the medical school was made to the hospital's trustees in January 1958.
To date, the Council has not received an official proposal from the Spanish government concerning the agency' s headquarters.
That is why there are no concrete or official proposals yet at this point.
To date, the Commission has not submitted any official proposal for an Act.
There is no official proposal yet but county legislators expect to receive one within the next three months.
It took 10 years to prepare an official proposal, and it applied only to packaged frozen pizzas.