Mr. Attiyah and others would say only that the group's excess production capacity is two to four million barrels a day above the official quota.
But the cartel is already exceeding its official quota by about 670,000 barrels a day, industry experts estimate.
So they have to address the large gap between official quotas and actual production.
These nations imposed strict quotas to their fishing fleets, although no official quotas were put in place.
It says the official quota poses no threat to the survival of the species.
With the economic reforms of 1979, farmers have been able to keep more of what they produce over their official quotas and pocket the profits.
Like most things in the Soviet economy, this work has an official quota, one bag per hour.
Like Iraq, it has renounced its official quota.
Each country has been producing close to two million barrels a day, while its official quota was half that.
Mr. Timoney said there were no official quotas on tickets.