The official renaming of the Dome in 2005 gave publicity to its transition into an entertainment district.
The building was originally scheduled for completion in December 2007 with the official renaming and company move accompanying the completion.
In 2009, however, they were put back for the occasion of the family reunion that year and an official renaming of the building from 'Glaspaleis' to 'Schunck'.
The official renaming of the park took place on May 11, 2007, with a local councillor, as well as several community and family members of the slain worker in attendance.
While this official renaming occurred in 1987, it can also be found translated into English as Gwangju People's Uprising and Kwangju Rebellion.
The change culminated with the official renaming of the corporation on Monday as Paramount Communications Inc., and the Time move yesterday.
Over time the museum shifted its focus to the promotion of intercultural dialog, leading to its official renaming in 1996 as the Museum of Cultures.
The 2011 game was marred by a bench-clearing brawl, which led to an official renaming of the rivalry game as the Crosstown Classic.
The official renaming of the Arena took place March 17, 2000.
A "Friends of Scollay Square Committee," formed by the Mayor, is organizing a parade for April 8, the day of the official renaming.