The budget office, the official scorekeeper for Congress, estimated last month that Medicare spending would double in the next decade under existing laws.
The television networks invited a British company to become the new official scorekeeper.
Letting the ball through his legs makes a baseball player look (and feel) inept, and the official scorekeeper typically records the play as an error.
The Congressional Budget Office, the official scorekeeper in such matters, estimates that the package will increase taxes by $270 billion over five years.
Twin Galaxies' status as the official scorekeeper was further enhanced by support from the major video-game publications of the early 1980s.
The Congressional Budget Office is the official scorekeeper for Congress.
They had feared that the budget office, the official scorekeeper for Congress, might put a much higher price on their proposal.
The official scorekeeper uses a scorecard or similar system to determine the actual score and end result of a game.
A child who cannot play ball may be able to serve as referee or official scorekeeper.
One of the models would then act as "official scorekeeper" for that show.