When a suit was filed in Federal court, local officials signed a consent order agreeing not to put children in the jail anymore.
Under village law, the village clerk is responsible for making sure elected officials sign the oath of office.
In December 2001, those same officials signed an extension of the Agreement that extended the program through September 30, 2013.
Earlier today, Soviet and West German officials signed 11 agreements, including two economic accords.
The additional named officials cannot then sign, as a responsible person or authorised official, the declaration at the end of the form.
Brazilian and American officials signed an agreement to promote greater ethanol production and use throughout the world.
Ms. Stone said the group already had almost 200 elected officials signed on to its advisory board.
Some states require those officials to sign as witnesses, but those signatures may be missing.
The Soviet officials signed receipts for the money and guns.
In 1994, officials of both municipalities signed a sister-city agreement promising future cooperation and further exchange.