At the 1970 general election the official spelling of the constituency name was altered to Llanelli.
The official spelling, as per the municipal corporation website is "Tiruchirappalli".
In fact this was the official spelling in the earlier part of the 19th century.
In English, both s and z are accepted, as there is no international, official spelling.
The official spelling of Broomehill was changed from two words to one in 1959.
Jeremiah says he's been trying to get the official spelling changed for years.
This problem is compounded by the fact that from 1891 to 1911, the official spelling of the city's name was temporarily changed to Pittsburg.
The new official spelling was resisted by many people in the city.
Is it worth getting worked up over official spellings when no one really has to spell anymore?
The official spelling will not be known until it is formally described in a peer-reviewed paper.