Local officials, including a county health inspector, toured the new plant and approved its opening, although the state said it never knew the plant existed.
As the huge traffic jams began to ease, officials from several countries toured the area.
The official, Interior Minister Nasser Youssef, has been touring Gaza and negotiating with Hamas for the last two days.
They show officials touring bomb shelters and giving advice on how to secure basements against air attack.
On Friday, the officials toured the South Bronx and parts of Brooklyn with large concentrations of garbage transfer stations.
The two officials apparently toured the island last week and agreed that it was time to find a worthy public use for the former military base.
And senior officials are touring places that offer little but symbolic value.
On Thursday, officials from the Giants toured the proposed stadium site, indicating that the Jets and the Giants were considering teaming up for the project.
While some officials toured the country as cheerleaders for the drug benefit, Ms. Block stayed at her desk in Washington and made it work.
During the summer, officials of another, the Annie P. Casey Foundation, toured Grace Hill.