The dispute is emerging just days before the arrival of President Clinton in China, a visit that officials from both countries are touting as a symbol of cooperation.
Meanwhile, officials in the Republika Srpska are already touting the emerging town, which is slated for completion in 2014, as a major tourist attraction.
Chinese officials are touting the new marriage law, as well as a new streamlined divorce law, as evidence of government reform.
One of the district's curriculum officials dutifully touted the merits of balanced literacy and Everyday Math, but when I said, "Is it good for your kids?"
American officials are touting these actions as signs of a new relationship with Moscow.
Russian officials have touted Gudermes as something of a showcase and they announced with fanfare several weeks ago that gas and electricity was being restored.
The officials, including the New York Police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, touted the arrests and the two-year investigation as examples of enhanced cooperation between law enforcement agencies.
European officials were touting their own proposed increase in foreign aid as far greater than what the Americans promised, both in total dollars and as a percentage of European economic output.
Law-enforcement officials often tout the almost uncuttable, case-hardened steel bar as the best possible protection against car theft.
By 2010 both state elected and local elected officials were touting the job done by Alonso in turning the failing school system around.