American athletic officials were furious and withdrew his amateur status, ending his career immediately.
A lower official had withdrawn a rape probe against Mr Assange two weeks ago, while allowing an investigation into lesser molestation charges to continue.
By the late fourth or early fifth centuries AD, Roman troops and officials had withdrawn from Britain.
Tactfully, the manager and Chinese officials withdrew, and once his valet had left also, Underwood knocked on the connecting door between the two suites.
Although New Hampshire is cooperating with the utilities that own that plant, officials of neighboring Massachusetts have withdrawn from the planning process.
The three officials each withdrew half or more of the investments they had in the firm on Jan. 1, about two weeks after the search, the papers showed.
The Soviet officials soon withdrew him from the competition after placing 5th in compulsory figures.
But public opinion and media opinion proved much harder to manipulate, and many elected officials were quietly withdrawing support for the company.
It did not authorize American ground troops to move through Turkey, a request that American officials apparently withdrew early Tuesday morning.
Convinced, the officials withdrew their objections, and the scene was retained, although it was removed from trailers.