In the spring of 1989, the actual building was officially blessed and opened.
It is not known how many officers have signed the document, which is not officially blessed by the union.
On December 20, 1947, the Chapel was officially blessed.
The theater has been officially blessed in a Shinto ceremony, an unusual way to insure success on Broadway.
Both building were officially blessed and opened on 22 May 2012.
The school was officially blessed and opened in 1974.
In a program adopted in February, foreign aid was officially blessed as "the privileged path."
Youngsters rub his gold-encrusted writing hand for good luck, and parents can buy stationery that the scholastic god has somehow officially blessed.
He offered his services at cost and these were paid for by the members was officially blessed and unveiled.
The present senior college was officially blessed and opened by Archbishop Duhig on 2 October 1949 at a cost of 35,000 pounds.