On the plus side, they got to hear the name of someone officially certified as a scoundrel.
But many teachers who have been training and teaching for 30 years while not officially certified are master teachers.
The official immediate death toll was 2,259, and in 1991, 3,928 deaths had been officially certified.
The vote was officially certified on November 14, 2003.
Approximately six months after the first meeting, the team is officially certified and ownership of the dog transferred to the client.
Following normal procedures, the votes were re-tallied before being officially certified.
She was the first person in the world whose death was officially certified to be a result of radiation poisoning.
March 29, 2009 a certification program was created so skaters can become officially certified to teach the sport.
After a regime of 66 test flights the Y-8 was officially certified for use by the Chinese government.
Now here it is: officially certified by the American Film Institute as the 11th-best movie of all time.