In his homeland, Mr. Dubcek remains in officially imposed obscurity.
All references to an independent Gaza were abolished and Egyptian administration was officially imposed.
Dongzhou, however, is 90 miles notheast across a wide bay from Hong Kong, whose television signals reach across the water easily, and news of the killings has spread rapidly, despite the officially imposed silence in Chinese media.
Mr. Nickel, former United States Ambassador to South Africa, is equally justified in arguing that the "sanctions of the markets" may have had a more debilitating effect than officially imposed sanctions.
People will put up with some cognitive distance between their own system of categorization and the labels officially imposed on things.
It was one of the "Spamalot" producers, Bill Haber, who lobbied for the rule, apparently as a plea for officially imposed self-restraint.
This grassroots practice to evade officially imposed censorship was fraught with danger as harsh punishments were meted out to people caught possessing or copying censored materials.
Latin was the language of the law courts in the West and of the military throughout the Empire, but was not imposed officially on peoples brought under Roman rule.
The trading ship with its sixty-two normal NS-2's was gone to wherever it was bound, with an officially imposed story to explain its two weeks' delay.
The name of Fort Victoria was officially imposed by The Duchess of York, on 19 June.