They were officially measured at five foot six and six foot two, then stood side by side.
The last officially measured price was $1.45 a gallon, although there have been reports of prices higher than $1.50.
In fact, the archives and manuscripts presented to the school were so extensive that they are officially measured as 13 feet, 9 inches in width.
From this it follows that, other things being equal, an expansion of bank deposits entails an increase in the officially measured money supply.
When Burleson was recruited he was officially measured at 7'2" tall.
Brazil, with its $124 billion foreign debt, has a gross domestic product that is the largest in the third world, officially measured at $354 billion.
When measured officially in 1987, Monjane was attributed with the height of 8 feet and three quarters of an inch.
Many of these tributaries harbor tall, but never officially measured waterfalls.
The falls are one of the taller waterfalls in Canada but have never been officially measured.
While such performances could not be officially measured, Grün never found a better match during his career.