The library has now been fully restored, and was officially re-opened on 20 February 2009.
The stadium was then officially re-opened on 30 July 2004.
Hotel was reconstructed and officially re-opened December 12, 2008 on its 126th birthday.
On November 13, 1984, the Museum officially re-opened to the public at its new location.
Following several years of preparation work, the tunnel was officially re-opened in 1973.
On 13 July 2006 the museum officially re-opened after its $3 million dollar renovation and extension.
The building officially re-opened to the public on 11 November 1988.
The station was officially re-opened in December 2005, after three and a half years of modernisation.
The reservoir was officially re-opened on 12 September 1928.
It officially re-opened on September 6, 1889 and began its school year three days later with a class of 108 students.