Since October 22, 2012 Lance Armstrong was officially stripped of all of his Tour de France titles since 1998.
Additionally, Justinian's Code had officially stripped the legislative branch of its authority, making it hard for judges to know which law codes they should adhere to.
India's Santhi Soundarajan, silver medalist for women's 800 metre run, was officially stripped of her medal after she failed a gender test.
The Hero is officially stripped of his position in the Inquisition, and sent on his mission.
After World War II, the deer were officially stripped of their sacred/divine status, and were instead designated as National Treasures and are protected as such.
On 11 March Okello was officially stripped of his rank of Field Marshal, and was denied entry when trying to return to Zanzibar from a trip to the mainland.
Although officially stripped of the Elby's name, identity was so strong that the Elby's name continued in print advertisements.
The event took place in the same cobblestone courtyard of Paris's École Militaire, where Capitaine Dreyfus had been officially stripped of his officer's rank.
Monsignor Howard visits a strapped-down Jude to inform her that the hospital board has officially stripped her of both position and clerical standing.
In August 2012, Tyler Hamilton was officially stripped of the gold medal of the 2004 Olympic time trial following doping admission.