I'm already calculating potential advantages, regrouping as the officious men surrounding me defer to the perceived grief of a little boy.
He was a small young man, very officious, who would never contradict a superior.
"Please dispose of your clothing," said the officious man.
The officious man peeled off his environmental suit, revealing himself to be a Vulcan.
The ruler is an officious man whose army is unfortunately mighty.
He was also ambitious, she judged, but only in the way that officious men are who fear losing the patterns of their established lives.
The chief of staff was a calm and officious man.
Even though he was being an officious, uncharitable, vain and foolish man.
A somewhat smaller, but equally officious, man waited with him.
Who happened to be standing out of sight behind her, but she wasn't going to do anything to assist this officious man.