To learn more, read Why is offshore drilling so controversial?
Barrett supports offshore drilling to make the United States energy independent.
The company's primary business was providing fully manned mobile drilling rigs to drill offshore.
Companies would be free to drill in waters 100 to 200 miles offshore.
-Mention offshore drilling at a casual get-together- and watch the excitement in the room dry up like an exhausted oil well.
There are many different types of facilities from which offshore drilling operations take place.
In 2006, there were over 2,200 active mines, quarries, and offshore drilling sites on the continental land mass of the United Kingdom.
In 1945, Voorhis fought a bill which would have given oil companies offshore drilling rights.
Another group interested in the new method includes companies that drill offshore, where gas can be a nuisance or even an impediment.
Oil companies also use Chinooks to service offshore drilling platforms.