Everyone, even the offstage characters, has only a first name.
Among the offstage characters are the picture's director, whom everyone is ready to dump, and the picture itself, which, according to Bradley, talks to him.
However, there was little change to the plot itself, and the dialogue remained entirely with the six onstage characters and one offstage character.
The play's offstage third character is a pretentious FM disk jockey who would "still like to believe in love."
Sometimes, too, the narrative is distractingly cluttered with the monologues of offstage characters.
The former President has emerged in the trial as the central offstage character in the drama.
Another part of an actor's job is to create the persona of offstage characters.
Each cast member created his or her offstage character, complete with name and detailed personality and background.
Our thanks are due to the original cast for the creation of these offstage characters.
Mr. Gray has an ingenious way of making the offstage characters as palpable as those who are talking about them.