But the price per barrel fell 6.2 percent, to $14.22, helping to drive the total oil bill down 3.7 percent, to $9.9 billion.
The nation's oil bill, meanwhile, climbed moderately to $4 billion, a level equal to 83 percent of the trade deficit.
The industrial countries' oil bill will rise about $90 billion a year if oil goes to $30 a barrel.
Although the nation's oil bill dropped $500 million in June, at $4.2 billion it accounted for more than half the total deficit of $8.2 billion.
Through the 1960's, America's oil bill was about 2 percent of gross national product, hardly worth worrying about.
For a 5,500-square-foot home, I will be paying $3,000 to $4,000 in water rates, while my oil bill is under $3,000.
Once consumption approaches current production capacity, each extra barrel could add $200 to the world's oil bill.
America's foreign oil bill rose 15.3 percent in May to $4.6 billion.
Do you know my oil bill was $263 last month?
Polish officials, for example, estimate that their oil bill could rise by as much as $4 billion a year.