The absorbent material cleans the dipstick and the old oil drips into the well.
I buy olive oil in bulk, so am only too glad to find something to store it in that does not drip.
The oil dripped again and I turned my face away, feeling it creep down to the lobe of my ear.
On any ship, oil drips from machinery and collects along with sea water in the bilges.
I shriek at him, because the oil is dripping onto the silk of my gown.
"You will not hear me scream," Mirri responded as the oil dripped from her hair and soaked her clothing.
The fact that oil was dripping rhythmically on his forehead also made him suspicious.
When she laid the can down on its side, oil dripped from it very slowly.
The oil then drips back down into the oil pan.
The pipe through which the oil dripped into the vat showed how cunningly the secret had been kept.