The girls, unwanted baggage, traded for cash to rich families in Amman or one of the oil states.
He has great influence among moderate Democrats, especially those from oil states.
The ultimate oil state is seeking to shift its economy away from oil.
Lobbyists for big energy users savaged that proposal, and senators from oil states killed it.
In other words, Russia has become something of an oil state.
All Kuwait and the other oil states wanted was to be allowed to give Hussein billions to go fight somebody else.
Some 65 percent of those parcels are in the three oil states and the sale threatens to further depress prices.
An oil state is, almost by definition, a dysfunctional state.
In the 1980's, there seemed to be a surplus of capital, as Japan and rich oil states exported it.
Rollestone moved back to Colorado intending to make it an oil state too.