Nathaniel Ropes founded a company to manufacture lard, candles, and other oil-based products in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Any oil-based product can get into the lungs if used improperly.
It developed over 300 oil-based products from tar to paint to Vaseline petroleum jelly to chewing gum.
Whenever possible, replace oil-based products and those containing solvents with those that use water.
Formerly, materials used for insulation included treated cloth or paper and various oil-based products.
It contends that biotechnology will eventually contribute to its industrial business - plants could be altered to produce nylon and other oil-based products, for example.
I've spent my adult life washing with oil-based products boiled by artisans in Marseilles.
Chemical and rubber companies will be among the biggest beneficiaries because oil-based products are a large portion of their raw materials.
In addition to making the oil-based products, refineries must also treat the wastes involved in the processes to minimize air and water pollution.
Petrochemical companies say that outside of a few niches, raw materials from plants are no match for oil-based products on a cost or performance basis.