That's like adding a new major oil-exporting country from scratch.
Saddam pushed oil-exporting countries to raise oil prices by cutting back production; Kuwait refused, however.
The predictions exclude extraordinary events, like extreme weather conditions or turbulence in oil-exporting countries.
Traders reacted to conflicting news reports about whether officials of key oil-exporting countries would agree on a price meeting this month.
Which oil-exporting countries are most at risk?
Crude oil prices have been tumbling all week, following the failure of the oil-exporting countries to curb production.
The company said it was negotiating with an oil-exporting country for the sale of an interest in some of its refineries.
Due to the overall instability of supply, oil became an instrument of foreign policy for oil-exporting countries.
Unlike other oil-exporting countries, Ecuador is not benefiting greatly from high oil prices.
In most oil-exporting countries the gap between rich and poor widens over time.