Large-scale oil exploration started in 1872, when Russian imperial authorities auctioned the parcels of oil-rich land around Baku to private investors.
The Red Star Oil Company built the robot to frighten the Keewazi into giving up their oil-rich land.
Once there, they discovered the immense wealth of members of the Osage Nation due to their having oil-rich lands.
I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth so I would inherit oil-rich land.
"You said your husband, Paul, inherited oil-rich land in the bayou?"
He once suggested to Ickes that $300,000 in campaign funds could be raised if Ickes would drop his fight for title to oil-rich offshore lands.
Characters break into traditional Arab folk songs; women in mourning are shrouded in chadors; the prize for loyalty is not just land, but oil-rich land.
Not to mention the enormous cost of our military involvement in oil-rich lands.
He is one of millions of economically distraught, educated young Saudis who form a restive core in this oil-rich land.
The issues that are involved are rights over the oil-rich land and the fate of local populations.