Jonas' voice tolled like a bell over the oily water.
After two years of discharging the oily water without a permit, the company wrote to the federal government and said it had stopped that practice.
But the oily water has its chalky green look all year round, and there are hardly ever any boats.
An important environmental application is the cleaning of oily water in the offshore oil industry.
It went over with a crash, and sent a wave of oily water across the floor.
Frost-smoke, sparkling in the sunlight, rose from the black, oily water.
There was nothing left except a great circle of white, oily water on the grey, rough sea.
These stories shift in their coloring with the sinister effect of sunshine on oily water.
His big black speedboat slid out over the oily water.
The others stayed at the surface, with only their heads and lamps above the oily water.