An old but well-maintained Pontiac with a toothy chrome grin stood in the single stall.
She parked beside the old Pontiac, which Moira didn't drive much any more.
She paid the check and they dashed through a cold rain to his car, an old Pontiac she figured should be put out to stud.
Carl Speckler peered through the windshield of his old Pontiac.
The car was a year old 1960 Pontiac.
The security guard climbed down from his stool and slowly walked out in front of Nick's old Pontiac.
Panch was a 'last minute' addition to Yunick's team, and given the year old 1960 Pontiac rather than one of the newer models.
"Right," Pyotr said from only a few blocks distant, and my old Pontiac woke up grumbling.
But it gives me an excuse to leave, jogging down a narrow drive past someone's cherished restoration of an old Pontiac.
Because if anyone should see the huge old Pontiac, word would get around.