"A strange group, Mistress al'Vere," the older Warder went on.
The Feast of St. Gerard is a kind of reunion for old First Warders.
Jaem, Vandene's gnarled old Warder, was waiting outside with a shivering Kirstian.
Elayne expected the lean old Warder to sneak across the street, but he just strolled out holding his cloak close around him against the early morning chill.
Robinton said warningly, raising an eyebrow at the old Warder.
The old Warder straightened, staring hard, and Mat reevaluated him as well; stringy, but hard as old roots.
The old Warder rode right at their heels.
Thom tried to get a word in with Elayne and received an absent pat on the cheek, of all things, before he was sent back to sit with Juilin and Jaem, the stringy old Warder, who belonged to Vandene and seemed to spend all of his time sharpening his sword.
When Sebell made to go after the old Warder, Robinton held up his hand, and the younger harper settled back into his chair.